رسائل واطاريح فرع الفسلجة والكيمياء الحياتية والادوية

رسائل واطاريح فرع الفسلجة والكيمياء الحياتية والادوية

تعنوان الرسالةاسم الطالبالسنة
1The protective role of Tomato powder on some physiological parameters in Rats induced Chronic Renal Failureالاء هاشم علي قطب2018-2019
2Association of Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism with Body Weight performance and Some Physiological Traits of Sheep in Kerbala Governorateفاطمة عبد المحسن عبد الرضا2018-2019
3Effects of Grape Seed Extract on Contaminated Feed with Aflatoxin on some Serum Biochemical, Hematological Parameters and Performance of Broiler Chickensالاء سعيد عبد الله2018-2019
4Effect of using probiotic, prebiotic and Synbiotic on some physiological traits and growth performance of Broilers chickenرفل هادي عبد الحسين2018-2019
5Study of Relationship Between Pit-1Gene Polymorphism, Milk Yield, Some Hormonal and Blood parameters in Cross-Bred Dairy Cows of Karbala Provinceافراح كامل زبيل2018-2019
6Evaluation of the Protective Effect of Eruca sativa Seeds Powder against Oxidative Stress and Some Physiological, Histological and Productive Performance in Broilersاسراء هادي شاني2018-2019
7The prophylactic and protective effects of Nigella sativa oil on white mature male rats Rattus Norvegus exposed to Diazinonرسل مهدي راضي2018-2019
8Protective Effect of α-Lipoic Acid on Reproductive Efficacy of Male Rat Treated with Gentamicinكوثر يحيى جاسم2018-2019
9Physiological and molecular study of female rats treated with Biochanin-A during gestation periodهدى عبد الزهرة ناجي2018-2019
10Effect of Dried Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Powder, Bacillus subtilis and their combination of Performance and Some Physiological traits in Broiler Chickensأمير حميد كاظم2019-2020
11Effect of Alchemilla vulgaris powder on the reproductive system and liver, spleen functions of female rats exposed to high dose of zinc sulfate in drinking waterشيماء قاسم محمد2019-2020
12Protective Role Of Salvia officinalis Silver Nanoparticles on Some Physiological and Histological Aspect in Bisphenol A Treated Female Ratsحسين عبد المجيد رحيم2019-2020
13Protective Effect of α Lipoic acid(ALA) on Cardiovascular System of Male Rabbits Exposed to Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG)إيمان محمد هيل2019-2020
14Study effect of cloves leaf extract in some physiological changes in male albino rates induced by alcohol أثمار عقيل حسين2020-2021
15A Study of Relationship Of Prolactin And kappa Casein Genes Polymorphism Separately On Some Physiological And Milk Production Traits On Local Cows In Karbalaزينة غسان محمد2020-2021
16Amelioration effects of vitamin E on reproductive system and expression of zo-1 and vimentin in the epididymis of male rats exposed to busulfanمحمد ناظم خداداد2020-2021
17The Effect of Glutathione in the Protection Of physiological and histological structure of Central Nerves System against oxidative stress in female rat A thesisصادق صفاء مهدي2020-2021
18A Study of Relationship Of Prolactin And kappa Casein Genes Polymorphism Separately On Some Physiological And Milk Production Traits On Local Cows In Karbala Provinceحيدر عباس هاني2020-2021