1 | The protective role of Tomato powder on some physiological parameters in Rats induced Chronic Renal Failure | الاء هاشم علي قطب | 2018-2019 |
2 | Association of Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism with Body Weight performance and Some Physiological Traits of Sheep in Kerbala Governorate | فاطمة عبد المحسن عبد الرضا | 2018-2019 |
3 | Effects of Grape Seed Extract on Contaminated Feed with Aflatoxin on some Serum Biochemical, Hematological Parameters and Performance of Broiler Chickens | الاء سعيد عبد الله | 2018-2019 |
4 | Effect of using probiotic, prebiotic and Synbiotic on some physiological traits and growth performance of Broilers chicken | رفل هادي عبد الحسين | 2018-2019 |
5 | Study of Relationship Between Pit-1Gene Polymorphism, Milk Yield, Some Hormonal and Blood parameters in Cross-Bred Dairy Cows of Karbala Province | افراح كامل زبيل | 2018-2019 |
6 | Evaluation of the Protective Effect of Eruca sativa Seeds Powder against Oxidative Stress and Some Physiological, Histological and Productive Performance in Broilers | اسراء هادي شاني | 2018-2019 |
7 | The prophylactic and protective effects of Nigella sativa oil on white mature male rats Rattus Norvegus exposed to Diazinon | رسل مهدي راضي | 2018-2019 |
8 | Protective Effect of α-Lipoic Acid on Reproductive Efficacy of Male Rat Treated with Gentamicin | كوثر يحيى جاسم | 2018-2019 |
9 | Physiological and molecular study of female rats treated with Biochanin-A during gestation period | هدى عبد الزهرة ناجي | 2018-2019 |
10 | Effect of Dried Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Powder, Bacillus subtilis and their combination of Performance and Some Physiological traits in Broiler Chickens | أمير حميد كاظم | 2019-2020 |
11 | Effect of Alchemilla vulgaris powder on the reproductive system and liver, spleen functions of female rats exposed to high dose of zinc sulfate in drinking water | شيماء قاسم محمد | 2019-2020 |
12 | Protective Role Of Salvia officinalis Silver Nanoparticles on Some Physiological and Histological Aspect in Bisphenol A Treated Female Rats | حسين عبد المجيد رحيم | 2019-2020 |
13 | Protective Effect of α Lipoic acid(ALA) on Cardiovascular System of Male Rabbits Exposed to Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) | إيمان محمد هيل | 2019-2020 |
14 | Study effect of cloves leaf extract in some physiological changes in male albino rates induced by alcohol | أثمار عقيل حسين | 2020-2021 |
15 | A Study of Relationship Of Prolactin And kappa Casein Genes Polymorphism Separately On Some Physiological And Milk Production Traits On Local Cows In Karbala | زينة غسان محمد | 2020-2021 |
16 | Amelioration effects of vitamin E on reproductive system and expression of zo-1 and vimentin in the epididymis of male rats exposed to busulfan | محمد ناظم خداداد | 2020-2021 |
17 | The Effect of Glutathione in the Protection Of physiological and histological structure of Central Nerves System against oxidative stress in female rat A thesis | صادق صفاء مهدي | 2020-2021 |
18 | A Study of Relationship Of Prolactin And kappa Casein Genes Polymorphism Separately On Some Physiological And Milk Production Traits On Local Cows In Karbala Province | حيدر عباس هاني | 2020-2021 |