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م.د. عقيل حنظل الجوذري

م.د. عقيل حنظل الجوذري








Curriculum Vitae

Name: Aqeel Handil Tarish Al Jothery

Place and day of birth: Iraq-1978

Nationality: Iraqi

Home address: Hilla, Babylon, Iraq

Work Address: Department of Medical Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Karbala, Iraq

Phone:    +9647811479171 (Mobile)


Languages:  English/Arabic


  • PhD (Animal physiology): Aberdeen University –UK. 2010- 2014.

 Thesis: Lactation and oxidative stress in small mammals. Supervised by Professor John Speakman. 

  • MSc (Zoology-Reproductive physiology): Babylon University-Iraq, 2001-2004.

Thesis: The effect of Androgens on sperm activation of aged semen in vitro. Supervised by Professor Faris Al-Libawi.

  • BSc (Biology): Babylon University-Iraq, 1997-2001.


  • Quantify the whole animal energy balance (Daily energy expenditure) using state of the art isotope methodologies (Doubly labelled water method).
  • Measure a resting metabolic rate (RMR) in small mammals using indirect calorimetry method.
  • Detection the gross energy of food and faeces using bomb calorimetry.
  • A commanding expertise in animal handling, whole body animal’s dissection, collection different tissues and preservation techniques with the UK certificate of personal licence holder.
  • Strong experience in essential molecular biology techniques including, RNA/DNA/protein extraction, Enzyme activity, ELISA, PCR, Immunohistochemistry, SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting.
  • Prepare samples from different animal tissues for metabolomics analysis.
  • Experience in analysis, understanding, and interpretation of large database (metabolomics data) using a principal components analysis and advance analysis programs such as Ingenuity pathways analysis (IPA) and Cytoscape. 
  • Acquired a powerful core of statistical analysis expertise such as, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, ANCOVA, GLM, chi-square, correlations, regression analysis, etc. using a wide range of statistical programs including, MINITAB, SPSS, and Sigma plot.
  • Practical experience in infertility centre (various human sperm activation techniques) in Babylon Hospital of Paediatrics-Iraq (2002-2003).
  • Carrying out research and produce publications, or other research outputs, in line with personal objectives agreed in the Staff review process.
  • A scientific reviewer for peer- reviewed journals like Journal of Experimental Biology/UK and also many Iraqi scientific journals such as Journal of Karbala and Medical Journal of Karbala.


PhD student (Aberdeen University 2010-2014)

  • Worked independently to implement a technically challenging and a diverse project. Success evaluated by publication
    • ØProf Scott Ballinger-University of Alabama at Birmingham-USA.
    • ØProf Jens Lykkesfeldt- University of Copenhagen. Denmark.
    • ØDr Nimesh Mody, University of Aberdeen, UK.
    • ØDr Teresa Valencak, University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria.
    • ØDr Alex Douglas, Aberdeen University, UK.
    • ØDr Karl Burgess, University of Glasgow, UK.
  • Initiated several collaborations with academic groups:

  • Personal licence holder from the UK for directing animal experiments.


  • Al Jothery, A. H., Król, E., Hawkins, J., Chetoui, A., Saint-, A., Gamo, Y., Shaw, S. C., Valencak, T., Bünger, L., William, G., Vaanholt L.M. , Hambly, C., Speakman, J.R.. (2014) Limits to sustained energy intake. XXII. Reproductive performance of two mouse lines with different thermal conductance. J. Exp. Biol. 217:37183732.

  • Gamo, Y., Bernard, A., Mitchell, S. E., Hambly, C., Al Jothery, A., Vaanholt, L. M., Król, E. and Speakman, J. R. (2013). Limits to sustained energy intake. XVI. Body temperature and physical activity of female mice during pregnancy. J. Exp. Biol. 216, 2328–2338.

·         Al Jothery, A.H., Mody, N., Lykkesfeldt, J.,Bünger, L., William, G., Vaanholt, L.M., Speakman, J.R. (2015).The oxidative cost of reproduction in selected mouse strains with different reproductive performance (Submitted to Functional Ecology).

  • Al Jothery, A.H.,Douglas, A., Burgess, K.,Speakman, J.R.(2015). Metabolomic signatures associated with the variation in reproductive performance in mice: A new tool for testing the life history- oxidative stress theory. (Submitted).

  • Tarish, A.H. (2009). The correlation between Glutathione and Malondialdehyd in spermatozoa of patients with Asthenozoospermia. Kufa. Med. Journal.12 (2), 32-37.

  • Hadwan, M, H.,Jabir, F, A.,Tarish, A, H.(2009). Zinc, Copper, and Superoxide Dismutase in Spermatozoa of Patients with Asthenospermia. Karbala Journal of Medicine.2 (6), 420-429.

  • Alhady, F.N.A.; Tarish, A, H. (2006). Effect of semen aging on sperm parameters and protein concentration of normospermic and asthenospermic patients Kufa. Med. Journal.9 (2), 329–337.

  • Alhady, F.N.A.; Tarish, A, H. (2006). Effect of Sustanone on sperm activation of fresh and aged semen samples in vitro. Kufa. Med. Journal.9 (2), 315–321.


  • Demonstrator in the School of Biological Sciences- Aberdeen University/UK, Undergraduate courses: Cell Biology, Principle of Animal Physiology, and ecology.2011-2013.

  • Lecturer in Physiology Department/College of Medicine at Karbala University –Iraq since 2005- until now. Teaching a medical physiology courses for 1st and 2nd years for medical students at both the introductory (Human Physiology and Haematology) and more advanced levels in my area of expertise.

  • Supervising of undergraduate students for final year projects, taught graduate (Masters) students.

  • Participating in departmental and faculty seminars aimed at sharing research outcomes and building interdisciplinary collaboration within and outside the department.

  • Assisting in the development of learning materials, preparing schemes of work and maintaining records to monitor student progress, achievement and attendance.


  • Scottish Ecological Aging Research group Meeting 4th July 2013, Edinburgh University, UK (attended)
  • Institute of Biological & Environmental Sciences symposium, Aberdeen University 25th March 2013 (oral presentation)
  • Aging and Basic Bioscience Conference 20th-21th September 2012. Babraham Institute. Cambridge, UK (poster presentation)
  • Scottish Ecological Aging Research group Meeting 18th July 2012. Durham University, UK (oral presentation)
  • Society of Experimental Biology/ Annual Main Meeting 2012. 29th of June to the 2nd of July Salzburg, Austria (poster presentation and participated in the young scientists award competition).


  • Lab Safety Training Part 1, 2, Aberdeen University (November-2010).
  • Managing References: RefWorks part 1, 2, Aberdeen University (January-2011).
  • Three Day Basic Statistical Course, Aberdeen University (March-2011).
  • An Introduction to R course, Aberdeen University (March 2013).
  • Three weeks training for measuring a mitochondrial DNA damage in animal samples by QPCR, Free Radical Centre-University of Alabama at Birmingham-USA (Prof Scott Ballinger Lab) (December 2012).
  • Training course for Metabolomics processing and analysis of data, Glasgow Polyomics Facility, Glasgow University (November 2013).


  • Society of Experimental Biology (SEB).
  • Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM).


  • PGR Travel Fund. Company of Biologists, Cambridge, UK, 2012 (£170)
  • Principal’s Excellence Fund, University of Aberdeen, 2012 (£500)


  • Prof John Speakman

1000 Talents Professor and CAS-Novonordisk ‘Great wall’ Professor

Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen

Zoology Building, Tillydrone Ave, Aberdeen, AB24 2TZ, Scotland, UK

Phone: +44 (0) 1224 272879 (direct)

Fax: +44 (0) 1224 272396

Email: j.speakman@abdn.ac.uk

  • Dr Jon Blount

Associate Professor in Animal Eco-physiology

Director of Postgraduate Research.

      College of Life and Environmental Sciences

      University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, TR10 9FE, UK

      Phone: +44 (0) 1326371877 (direct)

      Fax: +44 (0) 1326254205

      Email: J.D.Blount@exeter.ac.uk

  • Dr Abdelali Agouni

Lecturer in Cardiovascular Biology 

University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Phone: Work: 01483 68 2149

Email: a.agouni@surrey.ac.uk

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