The College of Veterinary Medicine organizes a training course on conducting laboratory analyzes and types of tests necessary to treat pathological conditions

Under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Wifaq Jubouri Al-Bazi, the Continuing Education Division at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Karbala organized a training course on conducting laboratory analyzes and types of tests necessary to treat some pathological conditions and on the discussion hall for three days, in which the assistant teacher Hasna Saeed Mohsen lectured.

The course aims to explain in detail the importance of medical analysis names and the extent to which modern technologies contribute to giving accurate results for diagnosing pathological conditions.

The course included identifying the names of the analyzes, their symbols, their natural proportions, their clinical importance in detecting diseases and the modern techniques used in this field.

The course recommended the need to adhere to the principles of medical analysis work because it relates to people’s lives, as well as caution in handling samples and taking laboratory safety measures.