The First Master’s Thesis In The Veterinary College University Of Kerbala

Discussion of the first master thesis in the branch of physiology and veterinary medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Karbala University, it discussed a master’s thesis in the branch of physiology, biochemistry and medicine. The thesis was , “Measuring some of the coagulation factors in rats with chronic renal failure and the possible protective role of tomato powder,” was presented to the student (Alaa Hashem Ali).

The aim of the thesis was for checking the relationship between chronic renal failure and some coagulation factors in addition to the protective role of tomato powder at a concentration of 10% and 20% to reduce the incidence of this disease and reduce its effects on various physiological and biochemical criteria.

The thesis discussed the increasing in the levels of various anticoagulant agents in rats with chronic renal failure. The student received a distinction degree.