Signing a memorandum of understanding for scientific cooperation between the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Directorate of Agriculture in Kerbala

Within the frameworks of its various activities for joint cooperation with various state institutions and departments in the Holy Karbala Governorate, a memorandum of understanding for joint scientific cooperation was signed with the Directorate of Agriculture in the Holy Karbala Governorate. The veterinarian at the University of Karbala, and they were received by Prof. Dr. Wefaq Jubouri Al-Bazi, Dean of the College, and the administrative and scientific assistants, and the Continuing Education Division official.

During the visit, several common issues were discussed between the two sides, related to improving and developing veterinary and agricultural services to improve the situation of livestock in the governorate by signing a memorandum of understanding for joint scientific cooperation that stipulates several items.

The following is the text of the agreement;

Exchanging field visits, information and experiences, conducting joint scientific studies and research, cooperating in developing applied research models, cooperating in holding training courses and workshops, cooperating in holding exhibitions and conferences, and benefiting from scientific equipment and examinations.

Available to both parties, in addition to exchanging data, information, statistics and scientific references according to the available capabilities, as well as encouraging and supporting joint innovative works and opening the field for coordination between the two parties with the United Nations programs and international organizations sponsoring and supporting scientific research as well as cooperation in preparing technical and economic feasibility studies and preliminary designs for joint projects Supervising their implementation and cooperation in preparing and updating national technical specifications and standards for products and equipment and providing agricultural services.

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