The College of Veterinary Medicine organizes a training course on artificial breeding of carp and the family of carps

Under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Wifaq Jubouri Al-Bazi, the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Karbala, in cooperation with the College of Veterinary Medicine at Al-Qasim Green University, organized a training course on artificial breeding of carp and the carp family, with the participation of a number of specialists and researchers at the university and the veterinary hospital.

The course aims to explain in detail the process of artificial reproduction of carp fish and to identify the most important experiences of industrial propagation in Iraq and successful experiences on the multiplication of Iraqi fish such as carp, flax and brown to enable the trainee to supplement the Iraqi environment with fish stocks of local fish.

The training course included explaining and applying artificial insemination for this category of fish as follows, which consists of five sequential stages, where in the first stage the breeding herd of males and females is selected on the basis of the desired qualities such as good appearance, size, weight and appropriate age, and in the second stage the pituitary hormone is prepared, where females and males are injected selected and not fully mature with pituitary gland extract containing the reproductive hormone gonadotropin, which works to stimulate Reproductive cells on final maturation and then ovulation ovulationin females, the formation of spermiation in males. In the third stage, eggs and mature sperm are collected milt and eggs stripping, and in the fourth stage, artificial fertilization of eggs is carried out by semen to obtain fertilized eggs.

A number of professors specialized in fish farming lectured, Assistant Professor Dr. Samer Salim Al-Shakarji, a teacher at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Al-Qasim Green University, a teacher Dr. Ali Jalil Jihad and an assistant teacher Amir Hadawi Zaghiroun, who are teaching at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Karbala.

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