Workshop: Raising awareness of the culture of integrity, transparency and accountability

Results of applying for postgraduate studies in the College of Veterinary Medicine for the 2024-2025 admissions plan

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Training course announcement

important annoisement

          To those wishing to transfer from international students from outside the Iraq exclusively. The Ministry of Education announced the date of opening the form for…

Training course: Basic concepts of molecular biology and DNA extraction method

training course: The fundamental diffrences between traditional management and electornic management

Training course: Explanation of the controls of the state of public sector employees disciplie law no 14 of 1991, as amended

Training Course: Reasons for lack of immune response in poultry

Workshop: The use of bacteria in biological safety

Invitation: Scientific Symposium.

Sponsored and supervised by the dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Karbala University Professor Dr. Wefaq Jubouri Al-Bazi, the Division of Scientific Affairs at the College and in…