The College of Veterinary Medicine receives Al-Ameed Primary School for Girls in a scientific visit.

In line with the scientific cooperation between the University of Karbala and the rest of the educational institutions, the College of Veterinary Medicine receives the Al-Ameed Elementary School for Girls…

Examination of sheep by an ultrasound (sonar) device in the Surgery and Obstetrics Branch in College of Veterinary Medicine.

As part of its examination and treatment activities, the Branch of Surgery and Obstetrics at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Karbala received one of the sick…

The College of Veterinary Medicine discusses a master’s thesis on therapeutic effect of Fenugreek (Trigonella. Foenum) leaves Alcoholic extract against nephrotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in male rats.

The Branch of Physiology, Biochemistry and pharmacology in the College of Veterinary Medicine/University of Karbala conducted the discussion of a master’s thesis accomplished by the student (Bashir Ali Hassan) on…

The College of Veterinary Medicine commemorates the Victory Declaration over ISIS.

The College of Veterinary Medicine commemorated the fifth anniversary of the Victory Declaration over the terrorist organization ISIS. The commemoration ceremony attended by the Vice President of Karbala University for…

The College of Veterinary Medicine honors the top students.

Under the direction of the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Wefaq Jubouri Al-Bazi the Deanship of the College organized honor celebration…

The University of Kerbala holds the first international cultural forum for the elimination of violence against women.

In coordination with the College of Computer Science & Information Technology and Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her), and on the occasion of the 16-day Campaign, the Women’s Empowerment Unit…

Participation of a professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine on the 8th International Scientific Conference at the University of Basra.

As a representative of the College of Veterinary Medicine/ Karbala University in the eighth International Scientific Conference held in the University of Basra, the professor Muhammad Jassem Jawad Al-Daami participated…

The College of Veterinary Medicine organized an educational symposium entitled:(No to violence against women)

Under the auspices of the President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Al-Saeedi and the supervision of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Faq Jubouri Al-Bazi, within the activities…

Distribution of awareness brochures to educate on the dangers of using Antibiotics

On the occasion of the International Week of Awareness on the Use of Antibiotics, the Division of Continuing Education at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Karbala University organized a…

The College of Veterinary Medicine organized a field visit to the Authority of Research and Industrial Development

under the guidance of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Wefaq Al-Bazi, and basing on the agreed upon agenda of the Memorandum of Understanding between the College of Veterinary…