The College of Veterinary Medicine is conducting a fogging and sterilization campaign in cooperation with the Red Crescent Society

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Wefaq Al-Bazi agreed and followed up by the assistant dean for scientific and administrative affairs, the College of Veterinary…

Congratulations to Dr. Muhammad Asaad Saleh on his nomination as captain of veterinarians in Karbala

The Deanship of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala And the professors and the staff congratulates Assistant Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asaad Salih, the professor at the…

Granting thanks and appreciation to the participants in the Fifth Virtual Student Scientific Conference

Due to the distinguished efforts and active participation in the fifth virtual student scientific conference to discuss the graduation of students researchs in Iraq among the faculties of veterinary medicine,…

Combined meeting between the College of Veterinary Medicine at University of Kerbala and the General Veterinary Hospital in Kerbala To determine the mechanism of summer training course for students for the academic year 2020/2021

For the purpose of determining the mechanism of summer training course for students of the fourth stage for the academic year 2020/2021, a meeting was held between the College of…

The College of Veterinary Medicine continues to perform the attendance and electronic exams for postgraduate and undergraduate students

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine /Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Wefaq Jabouri Al-Bazi, postgraduate and undergraduate students continue to perform the attendance and electronic…

Coronavirus Vaccines: Saving Lives and Building Back Better

Non-compliance will inevitably lead to the occurrence of an epidemic outbreak, we are now in an epidemic wave that is more dangerous than all its predecessors, our health institutions are…

The participation of a professor of the College of Veterinary Medicine in discussing a PhD thesis at the University of Babylon

The assistant professor, Dr. Haider Ali Muhammad of the College of Veterinary Medicine /University of Kerbala participated as a member of committee discussion to discuss the PhD thesis at the…

As a continuation of the amazing scientific career of our beloved university, for the first time since its establishment, we congratulate you for entering the University of Kerbala in the British Times World Classification

Arab university Rankings: 2021Where this classification is the finest, most difficult and the most widespread and accepted classification in academia, where this classification is based on a clear methodology that…

University of Kerbala achieves advanced ranks in the Webometrics rankings with a sequence of (11) locally and (3499) globally.

The results of the Web Matrix Global Ranking recorded the presence and competition of eighty-two Iraqi public and private universities in the second half of 2021.According to In this regardThe…

Starting the final theoretical exams for the second semester of postgraduate students at the College of Veterinary Medicine /University of Kerbala

The College of Veterinary Medicine /University of Kerbala has started performing the theoretical final exams for postgraduate students for the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 in the presence…