The dean

Dean of the college of veterinary medicine

     prof.Dr. Wifaq Jbori AL-Bazi

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Dean’s Welcome Word

 The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is considered one of the medical group colleges as having a prominent role in serving society and the environment by providing safe & healthy food, preserving the health of the society by controlling some common & transitional serious diseases and providing medical consultations to maintain & develop the animal wealth and make plans to increase the productive efficiency of the country.

 Relying on Almighty God and with the great support of the President of the University, we pursue carrying on raising the scientific level of the College through the development of teaching staff in the development programs, scholarships and fellowships in the world’s prestigious universities.

 In addition to the engagement in research field by equipping laboratories with the modern research equipment and holding conferences, courses & workshops.

 Finally, please accept my sincere thanks and regards for visiting our website.


  • Dean’s Office
  • Confidential Registry
  • Examination Board
  • Control & Scrutiny Division
  • Branches of the College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Scientific Promotions Committee
  • Relations Committee
  • College Council