The College of Veterinary Medicine organized a training course on the basics of the internal auditor

Under the supervision of the President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr. Bassem Al-Saidi, and the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Dr. Wefaq Al-Bazi The College of Veterinary Medicine , in cooperation with the Continuios Education Division, held a laboratory accreditation unit, an attendance training course entitled (Basics of the Internal Auditor) in the presence of the Dean of the College and a number of laboratory supervisors and officials in the college, attended by assistant lec. Mustafa Abdel-Karim Hamid, and the Chemists, Zina Yassin Ali, and on the discussion hall for a period of three days for the period from 3-5/1/2022.
The course aimed to train supervisors and laboratory officials in the college on the basics and requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC17025:2017.
The first day of the course included an introduction to the quality of laboratories, the quality management system, the foundations and principles of the system. On the second day of the course, the lecturer gave a detailed explanation about the international standard and its general, administrative and structural requirements, as well as the importance and objectives of internal auditing and the procedures required for auditing.

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