Samples of zinc material under an electron microscope at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Samples of taking samples of zinc (powder) by the electron microscope staff of a researcher in the College of Applied Medical Sciences in the electron microscope of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Karbala University.
The basis of the work of the electron microscope is the use of electrons to analyze samples. The source of the emission of electrons is the tungsten thread, which emits electrons at a high speed. There are two basic types of electron microscopy. The first is the transmission electron microscope and includes the ejection of electrons into the sample, and the other type is the scanning electron microscope, which depends on detecting the electrons scattered from the sample to form a three-dimensional image. Electron microscope staff has experience in the field of analysis of medical, biological, pharmaceutical, chemical, geological, engineering, industrial, electronic samples, semiconductors, materials, metals, petrochemicals, plastics and polymers.
The Electron Microscope Unit announces its readiness to receive samples of researchers in all fields and specializations, and to communicate with the Director of the Electron Microscope Unit, Assistant Prof. Dr. Hussein Bashar…. Call 07723874792

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