Participation of a professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine in a training workshop for veterinarians and educators in the governorate

Dr. Rana Abdul-Amir Jawad, a professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Karbala, in a training workshop for veterinarians and educators on biological field monitoring at the field level in Iraq for highly dangerous pathogens, which was set up by the Veterinary Hospital in Karbala in cooperation with the American international company (LIFESTOCK) and sponsored by the Threat Reduction Program Biological BTRP

Where Dr. Rana Abdel Amir, representing the College of Veterinary Medicine, participated in addition to a group of veterinarians working in the field and epidemiological monitoring, and a group of large and small animal breeders and poultry breeders.

The workshop dealt with biological monitoring, the triangle of national animal health systems, the most important obstacles that prevent their application, the use of the field guide for transboundary animal diseases, the field guide for clinical and anatomical diagnosis, sample collection, laboratory diagnosis, the concept of one health, biosecurity and personal safety, and a comparison between the triangle of national systems for developing and developed countries.

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